Dream Together

— Not forgetting the lessons others have taught us.


Concept Sketch for Arthur Cambrey Funeral Home - 8, December '08 by Rebecca Samuel

I recently found that someone who was very dear to me, who fundamentally shaped my career and approach to how I see and feel Architecture, is no longer with us. 

We shared a dream of which these words capture that collective dream.

Some Truths..... We Believe….

  • when it comes to design, two heads are better than one

  • buildings have the power to mould lives, change people, inspire and grow

  • good design provides the cheapest solution.  It saves you money!

  • good design should be affordable and accessible to everyone

  • good design is born out of passion, intuition, commitment and hard work, with pencil in hand

  • simple is best, the humblest buildings are our fascination. We like small

  • the words beauty, inspiration, magic, spellbound and enchantment are so often missing today and need to be spoken again.  We seek these qualities in our design, courtesy of Luis Barragan.  We would like you to read his inspirational words, they are close to our hearts.

  • buildings and landscapes can speak to you if you are willing to listen.  We have been speaking with them for some time now.  We are still learning, every building, every landscape has taught us something different, there is still so much to learn

We believe in the pursuit of dreams, designs are, after all dreams.  Be inspired... be bold...

Adam Harris ARB

Studio lead, Adam, is an ARB Registered Architect, with over twenty years of experience. He is a passionate believer in the power of architecture and good design to impact the quality of our lives, not only in our large public buildings but equally in small interventions.


Purpose. The reasons for wanting to help others create home.